Racket:Next https://www.racketnext.com The Next Generation of Racquet Sport Mon, 10 Mar 2025 02:48:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 197264814 SPORT:NEXT DASHBOARD & CONTROL CENTER https://www.racketnext.com/controlcenter/ https://www.racketnext.com/controlcenter/#respond Mon, 28 Aug 2023 20:45:51 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/?p=5268

Here is the Collective Competition Scoring System:

1. Player Score: For each player, take their shortest time. This represents the player’s peak performance.
2. Player Effort: Calculate the total calories burned by each player during the tournament period. This represents the player’s effort.
3. Team Performance Score: Calculate the average of the best scores for all players on the team. This represents the team’s overall performance.
4. Team Effort Score: Calculate the total calories burned by all players on the team. This represents the team’s overall effort.
5. Normalization: To ensure teams of different sizes can compete fairly, divide the Team Effort Score by the number of players on the team to get an average calories burned per player. This way, larger teams don’t have an unfair advantage simply due to having more players.
6. Aggregate Team Score: Create a formula that balances the Team Performance Score and the Normalized Team Effort Score. The best way to do this is to use a weighted average, where we assign a certain weight to the performance score and a certain weight to the effort score. The choice of weights depends on how much importance we want to place on performance versus effort. When we want to place equal importance on both, we use a 50-50 split.
7. Team Size Bonus: To encourage the building and maintenance of larger teams, all teams over ten players will receive a bonus 0.1% total score increase for each additional player.

To create a fair aggregate team score that incorporates both the shortest time for each player and the total calories burned in each competition by each player, plus a Team Size Bonus to encourage the building and maintenance of larger teams.

From time to time, we will publicly adjust each of  these metrics to reward different approaches to the competition.

We are not yet producing these combined scores, but when we do, we will present them as simply as our current Leaderboard.
Click the “Check Your Score” button above to see it “live” on our site.


Here’s a brief overview of the key details about the 2022 World Games held in Birmingham, Alabama:

  • The World Games is an international multi-sport event held every 4 years, organized with support from the International World Games Association (IWGA).
  • The 2022 World Games took place in Birmingham, Alabama from July 7-17, 2022. This was the first time the event was held in the United States since the inaugural World Games in 1981.
  • Approximately 3,600 athletes from over 100 countries participated in the 2022 Games.

  • Sports included in the program were artistic sports like dance and gymnastics, precision sports like bowling and billiards, strength sports, trend sports like speed climbing, and more – totaling 34 diverse sports.
  • Major venues included Protective Stadium, the Birmingham CrossPlex, Hoover Met Complex, and Legion Field.
  • The opening ceremony featured a parade of athletes at Protective Stadium and a performance by Grammy winner Nelly.
  • An estimated 150,000 people attended the World Games 2022 events and competitions.
  • The IWGA reported significant global TV viewership and digital engagement, showing the continued popularity of the World Games.

So in summary, the 2022 World Games brought thousands of elite athletes in over 30 sports together for 2 weeks of top-tier competition in Birmingham, Alabama. It provided valuable exposure for these non-Olympic sports on the global stage.


Here are some key benefits of joining The Racket Force team for Racket:Next and reasons to sign up:

  • Get insider access – As a team member, you’ll be among the first to receive news and updates about Racket:Next as it continues to develop.
  • Share feedback – You’ll have opportunities to provide input that will directly shape and improve Racket:Next based on your gaming experiences and ideas.
  • Connect with community – Interact with fellow gaming enthusiasts who share your interest in the future of VR sports. Bond over the innovative vision.
  • Learn strategies – Gain play tips and competitive strategies from other Racket Force members through community forums and discussions.
  • Up your game – Applying feedback and strategies can help elevate your Racket:Next skills and performance.
  • Leave a mark – Contribute to something groundbreaking by participating in our Racket Force testing and development community.
  • Gear up – Receive special branded swag and potential access to beta versions of Racket:Next.

In summary, joining Racket Force allows you to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new VR sport, connect with like-minded gamers, and help influence the future of Racket:Next. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the next generation of athletics!


Here are some thoughts on the desirable attributes and rewards of being a Team Leader for Racket:Next:

Desirable Attributes of a Team Leader:

  • Organized – Can coordinate schedules, practices, events for a large team
  • Motivational – Inspires and rallies members to put in effort and achieve goals
  • Strategic – Provides game plans, formations, and coaching to optimize team performance
  • Diplomatic – Manages any conflicts and ensures all members feel valued and included
  • Tech-savvy – Comfortable with gaming tech and community building through online tools
  • Dedicated – Committed to the team’s success and leading by hard work and example

Rewards and Challenges of Being a Team Leader:

  • Make a difference – Lead a team that allows so many people to enjoy Racket:Next and feel part of a community
  • Watch members thrive – See teammates develop skills and confidence under your coaching
  • New friendships – Bond with an amazing group of people over shared interest in the game
  • Learn leadership skills – Grow abilities to motivate, strategize, organize, and manage others
  • Handle adversity – Overcome obstacles through creative problem solving and resilience
  • Achieve together – Experience the rush of your team accomplishing goals and winning competitions

In summary, leading a Racket:Next team provides personal development, community impact, shared victories, and life-long connections.
If you have the dedication and temperament for it, it’s an incredibly rewarding experience!

Here are our Team Rules:



Starting a new sports league through Sport:Next certainly presents challenges, but also major opportunities for fulfillment and success for those with the dedication to make it happen. Here’s an overview of key considerations:


  • Recruiting enough teams/players to launch feasible divisions
  • Designing rules, structures and procedures that are fair and engaging
  • Balancing competition while maintaining good sportsmanship
  • Developing registration systems, stats-tracking, website, and branding
  • Lining up qualified referees and officials for consistent enforcement
  • Managing complex scheduling across multiple venues and divisions
  • Securing sponsors and marketing partnerships to build visibility
  • Retaining players/fans as league matures and novelty wears off


  • Bringing people together around shared passion for a sport
  • Providing opportunities for athlete development and achievement
  • Building a community institution and local tradition over time
  • Having creative control to shape the league you envision
  • Developing new skills in leadership, marketing, and team-building
  • Earning side income through team fees and sponsorships
  • Watching the league grow and thrive through one’s hard work
  • Achieving a sense of entrepreneurial accomplishment
  • Potential for major financial success if league takes off nationally/globally

In essence, launching a successful league requires surmounting major hurdles that test one’s perseverance and business acumen, but doing so delivers immense personal and professional fulfillment. The opportunity to innovatively transform a sport at the ground level provides huge upside for those willing to take the risk and put in the work.

Click the button above to see a simple illustration of starting a basketball league.
We will be different in many ways, but many of the essentials are the same.


Here is a brief overview of how to set up a tournament in Challonge:

  1. Create an account on Challonge.com if you don’t already have one.
  2. Click on “Create a Tournament” and choose the basic settings like name, URL, start/end date, game, etc.
  3. Select the tournament type – single or double elimination, round robin, Swiss, etc based on your format needs.
  4. Set the number of participants/teams expected.
  5. Choose public or private visibility settings. Private keeps it hidden.

  1. Select scoring details like points per game, matches required to win, etc.
  2. If needed, create seeding to preset bracket spots for top teams.
  3. Add tournament description, logo, images etc.
  4. Once published, share the tournament URL and have participants/teams sign up via the link.
  5. As tournament admin, you can manually enter match results or allow competitors to self-report scores.
  6. Challonge will automatically advance winners, generate next match-ups and track results.


So in summary – set basic info and format, publish tournament, have competitors sign up, enter scores, and Challonge handles bracket logic automatically.

https://www.racketnext.com/controlcenter/feed/ 0 5268
Relativity https://www.racketnext.com/relativity/ https://www.racketnext.com/relativity/#respond Fri, 28 Jul 2023 19:15:16 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/?p=5259

COMING… A NEW Way to Play.

To stay in the loop… CLICK HERE.

https://www.racketnext.com/relativity/feed/ 0 5259
Meta QUEST 2… and MORE https://www.racketnext.com/shop/ https://www.racketnext.com/shop/#respond Sat, 24 Sep 2022 13:44:28 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/get-the-quest2-copy/

Get the Oculus Quest 2 from Amazon

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases like these, at NO additional cost to you.
If you are outside the U.S., you are completely free to buy from Amazon directly or through the Oculus website.

PLEASE NOTE: The accessories that we display below are only our suggestions. There are DOZENS of every type
of accessory, so browse Amazon to your heart’s content. We do not warrant any of these products, so take your time to decide.

Also, it would help us if you would start your search from any of the
image links below or from THIS LINK, so we will get credit for your purchase.

https://www.racketnext.com/shop/feed/ 0 5150
International Racquetball Federation Sanctions Racket:Next as the World’s First Official Virtual Sport https://www.racketnext.com/irf-sanctions-racketnext/ https://www.racketnext.com/irf-sanctions-racketnext/#respond Fri, 18 Mar 2022 04:14:48 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/international-racquetball-federation-endorses-racketnx-copy/

International Racquetball Federation [IRF] Officially Sanctions Racket:Next

Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA: In a decisive vote of the IRF Board of Directors, Virtual Reality racquet sport game Racket:Next [aka Racket: Nx] has become a fully sanctioned sports discipline of an IOC-Recognized global sports federation, effective April 1, 2022.

With this action, Racquet:Next becomes the first electronic game of any sort to become an official global sport.

IRF; Racket:Next developer One Hamsa; and the Metaverse Sports Association signed a Memorandum of Understanding in July 2021. At that time, the IRF endorsed Racket:Next and committed to progress toward full sanctioning of the game as a sport.

IRF Secretary General Luke St. Onge said at the time: “When we realized what this combination could mean not only for our federation but for all of racquet sport, we jumped all over it. This will be a game-changer both for us and for world sport. We look forward to sharing so much more as this exciting partnership unfolds.”

As St. Onge predicted, the partnership has unfolded and “the game” has changed. Dean Schear, IRF Chief Financial Officer and Chair of the IRF Virtual Sports Committee, added, “Bottom line, we have a great vision, a great team, and the sense of urgency and commitment to act now.”

The IRF has been asked to participate in the E-Gaming Pavilion at The World Games in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, in July. The IRF is also a candidate to participate in the Olympic Virtual Series later this year.

Metaverse Sports Association CEO Victor Bond, who drove and facilitated the agreement, commented, “This is a marriage made in future-sport heaven: a world-class developer and a unique, successful, and wonderful game with a fully global international IOC-recognized sports federation that has the vision and the grit to not just look around the corner but to go there.” Bond added, “This is one big step in our collaboration and one gigantic leap for the new technology of sport.”

One Hamsa CEO Assaf “Usul” Ronen added: “This first-ever sanctioning act supports Racket:Next’s core design principles as a fully athletic and visceral game, allowing players of all racquet sports – not only racquetball – to make every racket sport move, except for those that would not work in the average living room (like a racquetball dive or a clay court tennis slide), immersed inside a lighted, responsive, audio-filled dome, in a game that is purely skill based.”

Ronen continued, “Racket:Next has already surpassed 300,000 players worldwide, led by the fastest-growing VR headset, the Meta Quest 2, in which it’s been a top-rated title since its launch in 2019. Since 2021 we also witness a surge of players on emerging China-based platforms. Racquet sports, all together, is the largest sports category in the world, eclipsing even world football.”

For more information:

web: www.racketnext.com  email: racketnext@gmail.com

International Racquetball Federation: www.internationalracquetball.com

One Hamsa: www.onehamsa.com

Metaverse Sports Association: www.virtualsportsassociation.com


International Racquetball Federation: The International Racquetball Federation is the governing body for all internationally sanctioned racquetball events. Racquetball is an extremely fast sport where balls can travel in excess of 150 mph in a 40 ft. long, 20 ft. wide, and 20 ft. high court.

One Hamsa: Born to the deserts of the middle east, One Hamsa is a game design studio formed to craft quality VR games. We care about unique content, unreasonable levels of polish, and providing our players with value.

Metaverse Sports Association: The Metaverse Sports Association is dedicated to the development of high-quality athletic virtual reality games into officially sanctioned global sports. Racket:Next is our and the world’s first success. There will be more.

Questions and Answers

Will this game be “virtual racquetball?”

No, it will not be “Virtual Racquetball.” Our goal is to develop a virtual sport that can be played in a normal home, in the living room or similar room.

This is to encourage wide adoption of the sport, in line with the IOC’s interest in expanding participation in healthy electronic sport.

Though Racket: Nx allows and rewards most of the strokes of racquetball and all other racquet sports, it cannot allow players to run from side to side or front to back in a full racquetball or other racquet sport court space.

And simulated VR movement in this kind of space induces motion discomfort in too many people to be acceptable to us.

Racket: Nx  is its own unique take on a Universal Virtual Racquet Sport, and we are endorsing it as such.

Will Racket: Nx be in the Olympic Virtual Series?

We hope to be, but we will need to apply for that honor.

Will Racket: Nx become a discipline of racquetball?

No, because it is not a version of racquetball.

However, we intend for it to become a full racquet sport discipline of the IRF.

Why did the IRF choose Racket: Nx? What other games were considered?

It is a beautiful game, literally and physically. It encourages vigorous athleticism and competitiveness. It supports Solo play, Co-op play [like doubles], and Multiplayer one versus one play, with opponents located anywhere in the world with wifi. And it is a proven game, on the market since 2017.

It is also on far more VR platforms than any other, including the incredibly popular and affordable Oculus Quest 2. {Other platforms include products made by HTC and Samsung, as well as others that run on PCs].

Regarding other games, the Virtual Sports Association has searched the world for other games with the characteristics described above. For the moment, Racket: Nx stands completely alone.

Will it be available in China?

Yes, absolutely. The Quest is not available in China, but there are many other platforms, including the Chinese-manufactured Pico Neo.

Is One Hamsa paying the IRF for its endorsement?


What role will the Virtual Sports Association play?

They will play a wide range of roles, from membership recruiting to tournament management to sponsorship development.

Will this project take resources from IRF racquetball programs?


The IRF are making no up-front payments, and will compensate their partners only from the revenues that they help to generate.

Will this sport qualify for the Olympic Program?

It is far too early to say that.

However, with enough players in enough places, Racket: Nx would completely meet the requirements described in detail by IOC President Bach two years ago: that it be fully athletic, not only at the highest levels of competition, but throughout… that it be consistent with Olympic Values, with no violence or discrimination [by the way, it is completely Gender Neutral]… that it be offered by a fully accredited IOC-recognized sports federation like the IRF, and that it contribute meaningfully to the appreciation and broad acceptance of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.

It is also highly televisable and streamable: the ball is impossible to miss, and the sights and sounds of the game are glorious.

Finally, the venue, judging, referee, and other operational requirements of Racket: Nx will be drastically less than for conventional sports.

So, we think that Racket: Nx will be an outstanding candidate for the Olympic Program.

Why is the IRF doing this?

The IRF recognizes that this endorsement allows us to expand their visibility worldwide.

Because they believe that they have an opportunity to offer the best virtual racquet sport game in the world to the entire range of racquet sports players and fans, in a time when virtual reality is finally going mainstream, primarily because of the Oculus Quest.

After all, there are more total racquet sports players in the world than there are soccer players, and Racket: Nx appeals to them all.

And the Oculus Quest – on which Racket: Nx is consistently highly rated – is taking the world of consumer VR by storm, and this is in addition to all the other platforms which support Racket: Nx.

So we see an opportunity to bring this amazing VR Sport to the world at just the right time, especially given the IOC’s support of virtual sport.

By doing so, we also hope to create more interest in racquetball, which is another amazing racquet sport.

What about the controversy surrounding the requirement that the Oculus Quest connect to players’ Facebook accounts?

Though we do not have such concerns about the use of the Oculus Quest, those that do must act accordingly, and we will respect and accept their decisions.

Of course, no one who wants to participate in the Racket: Nx program is required to use the Quest, There are many other VR headset alternatives which will work wonderfully.

https://www.racketnext.com/irf-sanctions-racketnext/feed/ 0 4625
Play the DEMO! For FREE! https://www.racketnext.com/play-the-demo/ https://www.racketnext.com/play-the-demo/#respond Tue, 14 Sep 2021 00:25:51 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/international-racquetball-federation-endorses-racketnx-copy/



When you see the Demo banner, click “OK” on the warning…

Don’t worry… this is a AAA Demo.

Then click on “Free.”

When it shows that you have purchased, it will be waiting for you inside the Quest, in your Apps, like this:

Now. click to install it and then click to PLAY.

When you’re in, you’ll see that some elements are available and some are blocked:

GO with what’s available, and HAVE FUN!

Then, if you want the full game, just click on any locked element and GO GET IT!

https://www.racketnext.com/play-the-demo/feed/ 0 4239
International Racquetball Federation Endorses Racket:Next to become the first official Virtual Sport. https://www.racketnext.com/international-racquetball-federation-endorses-racketnx/ https://www.racketnext.com/international-racquetball-federation-endorses-racketnx/#respond Wed, 01 Sep 2021 18:27:30 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy-copy/

International Racquetball Federation Endorses Racket: Nx to become the first official Virtual Sport.

The IOC-recognized International Racquetball Federation (IRF), based in Colorado Springs, USA, has followed the IOC’s announcement of their Virtual Sports Series with a Memorandum of Understanding to collaborate in developing One Hamsa’s immersive virtual reality (VR) game Racket:Nx as a potential full Olympic Virtual Sport and an eventual candidate for the Olympic Games.

The IOC’s Virtual Sports Series includes five games which simulate cycling, rowing, baseball, sailing, and auto racing, but only two are physical games [for cycling and rowing] and presently none are immersive virtual reality.

IRF Secretary General Luke St. Onge said: “When we realized what this combination could mean not only for our federation, but for all of racquet sport, we jumped all over it. This will be a game-changer, for us and for world sport. We look forward to sharing so much more as this exciting partnership unfolds.”

Virtual Sports Association CEO Victor Bond, who brokered the deal, says: This is a marriage made in future-sport heaven: a world-class developer and a unique, successful, and wonderful game, with a fully global international IOC-recognized sports federation, that has the vision and the grit to not just see around the corner but to go there.”

One Hamsa CEO Assaf “Usul” Ronen, added: “Racket:Nx is fully immersive and fully athletic, allowing players of all racquet sports – not only racquetball – to play full out inside a lighted, player-responsive, sound and music-filled dome, in a game that is blow-your-mind unique and engaging. The moves of all racquet sports are supported, except for those that would not work in the average living room or family room, like a racquetball dive or a clay court tennis slide.”

Ronen continued, “Racket:Nx has over 150,000 players on most VR platforms, including the fastest-growing VR headset, the Oculus Quest 2. That means that this game is more likely to achieve the mass acceptance that the IOC seeks. Racquet sports, it turns out, all together, may be the largest sports category in the world, eclipsing even world football.”

With virtual reality hitting the mainstream with the Quest 2, and with the IOC ushering in the era of Olympic Virtual Sport, this trailblazing partnership is betting on the roles that immersive virtual sport will play in the mass adoption of VR and in the extension of the Olympic Games.

Questions and Answers

Will this game be “virtual racquetball?”

No, it will not be “Virtual Racquetball.” Our goal is to develop a virtual sport that can be played in a normal home, in the living room or similar room.

This is to encourage wide adoption of the sport, in line with the IOC’s interest in expanding participation in healthy electronic sport.

Though Racket: Nx allows and rewards most of the strokes of racquetball and all other racquet sports, it cannot allow players to run from side to side or front to back in a full racquetball or other racquet sport court space.

And simulated VR movement in this kind of space induces motion discomfort in too many people to be acceptable to us.

Racket: Nx  is its own unique take on a Universal Virtual Racquet Sport, and we are endorsing it as such.

Will Racket: Nx be in the Olympic Virtual Series?

We hope to be, but we will need to apply for that honor.

Will Racket: Nx become a discipline of racquetball?

No, because it is not a version of racquetball.

However, we intend for it to become a full racquet sport discipline of the IRF.

Why did the IRF choose Racket: Nx? What other games were considered?

It is a beautiful game, literally and physically. It encourages vigorous athleticism and competitiveness. It supports Solo play, Co-op play [like doubles], and Multiplayer one versus one play, with opponents located anywhere in the world with wifi. And it is a proven game, on the market since 2017.

It is also on far more VR platforms than any other, including the incredibly popular and affordable Oculus Quest 2. {Other platforms include products made by HTC and Samsung, as well as others that run on PCs].

Regarding other games, the Virtual Sports Association has searched the world for other games with the characteristics described above. For the moment, Racket: Nx stands completely alone.

Will it be available in China?

Yes, absolutely. The Quest is not available in China, but there are many other platforms, including the Chinese-manufactured Pico Neo.

Is One Hamsa paying the IRF for its endorsement?


What role will the Virtual Sports Association play?

They will play a wide range of roles, from membership recruiting to tournament management to sponsorship development.

Will this project take resources from IRF racquetball programs?


The IRF are making no up-front payments, and will compensate their partners only from the revenues that they help to generate.

Will this sport qualify for the Olympic Program?

It is far too early to say that.

However, with enough players in enough places, Racket: Nx would completely meet the requirements described in detail by IOC President Bach two years ago: that it be fully athletic, not only at the highest levels of competition, but throughout… that it be consistent with Olympic Values, with no violence or discrimination [by the way, it is completely Gender Neutral]… that it be offered by a fully accredited IOC-recognized sports federation like the IRF, and that it contribute meaningfully to the appreciation and broad acceptance of the Olympic Games and the Olympic Movement.

It is also highly televisable and streamable: the ball is impossible to miss, and the sights and sounds of the game are glorious.

Finally, the venue, judging, referee, and other operational requirements of Racket: Nx will be drastically less than for conventional sports.

So, we think that Racket: Nx will be an outstanding candidate for the Olympic Program.

Why is the IRF doing this?

The IRF recognizes that this endorsement allows us to expand their visibility worldwide.

Because they believe that they have an opportunity to offer the best virtual racquet sport game in the world to the entire range of racquet sports players and fans, in a time when virtual reality is finally going mainstream, primarily because of the Oculus Quest.

After all, there are more total racquet sports players in the world than there are soccer players, and Racket: Nx appeals to them all.

And the Oculus Quest – on which Racket: Nx is consistently highly rated – is taking the world of consumer VR by storm, and this is in addition to all the other platforms which support Racket: Nx.

So we see an opportunity to bring this amazing VR Sport to the world at just the right time, especially given the IOC’s support of virtual sport.

By doing so, we also hope to create more interest in racquetball, which is another amazing racquet sport.

What about the controversy surrounding the requirement that the Oculus Quest connect to players’ Facebook accounts?

Though we do not have such concerns about the use of the Oculus Quest, those that do must act accordingly, and we will respect and accept their decisions.

Of course, no one who wants to participate in the Racket: Nx program is required to use the Quest, There are many other VR headset alternatives which will work wonderfully.

https://www.racketnext.com/international-racquetball-federation-endorses-racketnx/feed/ 0 4107
Meta QUEST 3S… and MORE https://www.racketnext.com/get-the-quest2/ https://www.racketnext.com/get-the-quest2/#respond Sun, 22 Aug 2021 01:06:05 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/?p=3918


https://www.racketnext.com/get-the-quest2/feed/ 0 3918
Horizon Zero Dawn – A Fundamental Shift in Gaming https://www.racketnext.com/horizon-zero-dawn/ https://www.racketnext.com/horizon-zero-dawn/#respond Mon, 02 Aug 2021 19:03:54 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy-copy/


https://www.racketnext.com/horizon-zero-dawn/feed/ 0 3670
The Future of Sports Venues https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy/ https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy/#respond Mon, 02 Aug 2021 18:25:33 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy/

What Does the Future Hold for Sports Venues?

What if, on the eve of the rise of automobiles, the horse carriage makers had to think about their future?

What might they have foreseen, knowing that something like this had recently driven onto the transportation scene?

If they had thought as conventional proprietors of substantial assets and sunk costs, in an industry which had been, up to that time, hugely successful, they might have come up with an alternative which would put to shame such a plain and uninteresting conveyance as the Model T, with no heritage or charm to speak of, and nothing that would fairly be called luxury.

No… the makers of horsed carriages literally owned the personal transportation market, and they were convinced that they knew miles more than the makers of the rickety, inelegant, unreliable horseless kind.

They, after all, were the Carriage Kings, and they knew a thing or two about transportation.

So, if they’d had the foresight to plan ahead for the changes coming to their market, rather than doing what they in general actually did: deny the truth of what could be about to happen… they may very well have come up with this solution to The Future:

This is the Queen’s Gold State Coach, in England. Stunning… superb… beyond any conceivable reach of the internal combustion maniacs that dared to challenge real transport with their Model Ts and the like.

We know how that story ended…

[Click image to enlarge]

Further, we know that the next phase isn’t this…

It’s more like this…

Which brings us to this:

This is the brand-new US$1.6 billion Atlanta Mercedes Stadium, which is the latest – and not the last – of the technologically incredible, public financially questionable, monuments to the same mindset that might have produced that literally gold-plated State Coach.

Other than the value of the sheer spectacle of the thing [which can be experienced driving by], the only concession [pardon the pun] to consumer reason is that the hot dogs there will only be $2.00 each.

Its predecessor – the Georgia Dome – was built in the heyday of the NFL building boom and is now being destroyed, after costing local taxpayers [including those thousands who have only driven by] hundreds of millions of un-returned  dollars and returning a big net nothing to the local economy.

Which has been the case with these enormous structures for years, and is why cities like Seattle, Anaheim, and Calgary are pushing back -in different ways – against “stadiumania.”

Dynamics much like these are also chilling potential Host Cities’ enthusiasm for the Olympic games. The recent 2024 award cycle [and the unprecedented double award to Paris and Los Angeles] confirmed this chill. Speaking of chill, the 2026 bid cycle for the Winter Games faces significant hurdles with the five remaining potential hosts, even after the groundbreaking bid process changes of the IOC’s Agenda 2020 reforms.

The most chilling thought for arena developers and event planners is that the future of “spectacle” will change all of this… all of it.

We believe that the emotional impact of experiencing a sporting event in Virtual Reality will before long approach – not to say surpass – that of physically visiting the Mercedes Stadiums of the world.

When that happens, the question for fans will become, “Is it worth it to go?”

For very many of them, the answer will be “No.”

The Future is Now.

https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy-copy/feed/ 0 3664
Racket: NX Developers Want It To Be An Olympic Sport – UPLOAD https://www.racketnext.com/racketnx-developers-want-to-be-olympic-upload/ https://www.racketnext.com/racketnx-developers-want-to-be-olympic-upload/#respond Mon, 02 Aug 2021 17:28:53 +0000 https://www.racketnext.com/racket-nx-wants-to-become-an-olympic-sport-and-it-just-took-an-important-step-closer-road-to-vr-copy-copy/ One Hamsa, developers of Racket: Nx, teamed up with the International Racquetball Association to push for the game to become the first VR-based Olympic sport.

Earlier this year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced the Olympic Virtual Series — a “Olympic-licensed event for physical and non-physical virtual sports.” Now, the developers of Racket: Nx are trying to make the game one of those virtual sports. Developers One Hamsa and the IOC-recognized International Racquetball Association are collaborating with the goal of presenting Racket: Nx as a candidate. The idea is to present the virtual sport as not just for existing VR players, but for general racket sports players too. According to One Hamsa Studio Director Assaf Ronen, Racket: Nx is an “immersive, skill-based and fully athletic experience” that “supports the moves of all racquet sports, except those that would not work in the average living room or family room.” The developers say they have a base globally of 150,000 players across PC and standalone VR platforms, including availability in the “emerging Chinese VR market” and they hope that reach means the game is more likely to be accepted.

The first Olympic Virtual Series already concluded ahead of the Tokyo Olympics but the IOC has a roadmap for the coming decade that includes encouraging “the development of virtual sports and further engage with video gaming communities.” More specifically, it recommends the Olympics launch “products and experiences through virtual and simulated forms of sports” and “Consider the addition of physical virtual sports in the Olympic Programme.”

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